Where can I find information about your FRCR exam courses?
At VisRad, we offer a variety of FRCR exam courses that cater to your specific needs. Our courses are designed to provide you with the knowledge and confidence to pass your exams. Please visit our Courses page to learn more about the courses we offer and their schedules.
Can I access your online resources from anywhere?
Yes, you can access our online resources from anywhere with an internet connection. Our resources include practice tests and online study materials. You can also drop us an email with any queries you may have.
What are the tuition fees for your FRCR exam courses?
At VisRad, we offer competitive tuition fees for our FRCR exam courses. The fees vary depending on the course you choose and its duration. Please visit our Courses page to view the fees for each course.
What kind of certification will I receive upon completion of your courses?
Upon completion of our FRCR exam courses, you will receive a certificate of completion that acknowledges your achievement.